The Lighter Yoke
About eight years ago as I was walking out of the grocery store I noticed a lady by the door with a very unsettled look on her face. She had a cart full of groceries and was anxiously scanning the parking lot from right to left, from left to right, then over again. I felt compelled to make sure she was alright so I approached her to ask her if she needed help. In broken english she looked down, pointed at her groceries, and replied, “I’m waiting… someone…come to take these.” She assured me that all was well and away I walked.
Then, it hit me on the drive home…we’re all waiting for someone to come and take our loads. This rings especially true at where we stand today in our homes and in our nation…because this load is heavy.
Perhaps for you it’s the weight of anxiety due the unknown that holds you captive each day. For others, the load of depression. Or maybe you’re a Mama just like me who is struggling to find the balance between motherhood and working from home. Perhaps for you it’s the weight of marital conflict that gets heavier and heavier every single day. As a whole, I believe it’s safe to say that we are all carrying around the load of unease and tension during these very difficult times as a nation.
And in all of these situations, we are waiting- for peace…for a cure…for an apology…for a nap! (Can I get an Amen?!) Yet perhaps the reason we feel so exhausted is because we have taken so many burdens upon our own backs, that we have completely forgotten to hand them over to the very one who invites us to place them upon his back instead.
These weights are too heavy for us friend, and goodness it’s time to stop hauling them around as if they are our own to carry. We are not strong enough. We are not wise enough. Yet there is one who is- Jesus. He is the one who tells us to cast our cares upon him and to take up His yoke instead. We cannot handle the weight of the world- but the yoke of Jesus? That lays upon us just right.
It’s the yoke of rest, though the world is restless. It’s the yoke of peace in the midst of chaos. It’s the yoke of complete trust despite circumstances that make it easier to otherwise doubt. His yoke is extraordinarily light and instead of weighing us down, it lifts us up. Instead of weakening us, it strengthens.
Today may I encourage you that if you feel desperate for someone to come and take your load…he already has. Lean into him today. Ask for his strength to guide you knowing that in him, you will be stronger. Even if you feel feeble take comfort in knowing that God’s grace is sufficient for you, and that his power is made perfect in weakness. (2 Corinthians 12:9) Hear him say to you the same words he spoke to the people over 2,000 years ago…
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30)
Take up his yoke today, friends. It is painless. It is effortless. And because he who offers is good…it is good. It is indeed…the lighter yoke.
Abide in Him Always,
One Comment
Marsha Simpson
This is so beautiful. It gives hope & promise.