Faith,  Family,  Farm

Farmer Boy’s Mailbox Mementos

I had every intention to get this posted yesterday, but it’s just been one of those weeks here at the Farmhouse. Exhaustion has caught up with us and there have been more meltdowns and poor attitudes than I’d like to admit. But, that’s real life, right? It’s a whole lot of mess and a whole lot of beauty all mixed together. Yesterday was one of those days when there were more “messes,” but because I believe in grace and unconditional love, I was determined to find a little bit of beauty amongst the mishmash.

As mentioned before, my little Farmer Boy loves nature and adventure. He’s pretty fearless when it comes to insects, reptiles, amphibians…and basically any other creature out there! The girl I was 10 years ago could have never pictured days spent outdoors catching all sorts of critters..motherhood sure has a way of stretching and re-shaping you. Anyhow, he filled this bucket with tadpoles over the weekend and caught his first toad of the spring, so needless to say he was one happy boy!

In keeping with this “froggy” theme, I thought it would be fun to make him a little origami jumping frog to go with his weekly letter. Please no judgement here on my folding skills (or lack thereof)! The only paper we had on hand was card-stock, so this was not an easy task and did not turn out being exactly right. But, that’s kind of the point. Our kids do not require or seek out perfection. They desire real, genuine love and long to be understood- especially on their hardest days. This is our opportunity to extend to them the same grace that God daily bestows on us, even on our worst days!

Despite the imperfections, he still thoroughly enjoyed watching his little frog jump and once again was filled up by the simple words I wrote to him. My aunt also got involved in our new tradition and wanted to leave him a little surprise of her own in the form of a mystery hatching egg! He has it soaking in a pitcher of water and is eagerly awaiting to see what it becomes.

I just want to encourage you today, that even if it’s been a bit of a rough ride lately, to not give up. Our kiddos are worth every bit of exhaustion and frustration and they need us to be on their side! Keep loving, keep smiling, and keep running this race with your whole heart. Even though we do not see immediate results, patience and love given day after day, year after year, will always win the day. Keep your face turned towards our Heavenly Father. He is strongest when we are weak and He will never stop fighting for the good of us and our children.

Abide in Him Always,
